Posts tagged children

Mr. A’s reply…

So tonight I finally got a chance to talk to Mr/ A and get his feelings on the answers and really loved Ruby’s answer his reply was.  It just makes sense.  Sounds right to me and he was done with the topic.  But he wants me to tell everyone his so very happy you all took time to answer his question gave him links to look up and read.  He said he may have more questions in the future and hope you don’t mind helping him.

As his mother you know I am thankful and i will say it again Thank you.  You made his weekend and day today and he has thought long and hard.  and well you helped a mother out as well so thank you agian



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Quick Update

Thought I would just update real quick Mr A and I didn’t sit down and talk like we wanted we had dinner plans at a friends house plus we were running around getting ready to be with out water for three days.  With that said I am hoping to get to it tonight as his he has read all the answers (except the new ones have to wait till he gets home for those) and has been thinking about it.

I also plan on getting back to the life of a soul later today things have been just crazy here.

So last night after running around and getting clothes washed dishes done and diapers wash and tons of water stored, we went and had dinner over at a friends house.  We had a leg of lamb that I bought but wasn’t sure how to cook it and she loves lamb and knows how so it worked out great.  And we watched a movie as well.  It was a great time and lamb was great learned I love lamb and we will be doing it again.

We also made plans for next weekend as well which will be good Miss A and I need to get out more and Miss A needs to be around other people because right now she will only let mama and dada hold her this isn’t the greatest.  G (my friend) has been in her life since she was a baby and Miss A loved going to her.  And this is the only person I trust to watch her.

Miss A is also walking a whole lot more as well but see likes to do it when others are not watching her.  Sees a silly girl.  Mr R his is just growing up so fast seems like yesterday he was my little man that needed mama for everything and not it’s always I a big boy I can do it.  Don’t get me wrong I love it I do I just miss my snuggle time with him is all.

Mr A is 9 now and such a young man and smart he is always asking questions that his dad and I need to look up the answer to before we can answer them he sure is going to be fun as a teen.

Mr Spirit is doing better with his meds and has a meeting with docs. later next month to see what his options are for treatment to be honest I feel good about this I mean we know what is wrong we can fix it.  I will mean a new MOS which I am sure he can deal with.  Now he wants us to start thinking about where we would like to move next.  He choices are Arizona or the UK one is neat family and would be great for the kids the other is a dream.

I think he needs to dream right now because he is worried about his neck.  I understand this I just want to get through this get him healed, but there is so much he needs to be healed from.  He is hurting not only in his neck, but his mind and spiritually.  Today he has his appt for Therapy for his PTSD thing is many don’t think he has it so he gets a hard time.  But his he is great at hiding what is bothering him.  I love him but this bugs me about him at the same time.  But he is getting help and for that I am grateful it was a hard time for a little bit  but it’s getting better.

Well I just dinner on the stove to cook all day…mmm..beef roast.



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Thank you everyone!

Mr A loved watching the answers come in and the blog stats go up thank you all.

We are going to have a chat about it more tonight and sometime tomorrow I will post about that later.



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Who was the first person on earth….asked by my 9 year old

He would love to hear everyone’s beliefs on this.  He knows what his daddy and I believe but that’s it so please share who do you believe was the first person on earth.


Spirit and Mr A

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Life Update

I have been focused on the spiritual part of my blog I haven’t updated on our daily lives.  Well they are boring so this won’t take long.

First the best news Mr. A got a 100 in math I am very proud of him and he has been working so hard.

Mr. R. is still my wild child but I love him so.  Today he was afraid of the wind so I told him it’s was just mother nature trying to blow out a trick candle and that if he wanted to he could make wind.  So he is no long afraid of the noises the wind makes and walks around trying to blow things over.

Miss A. well other than her falling and hitting me in the head she is doing great she got mad at getting out of the tub today she is sure a water baby and lives up to her sign.  She is going to be walking very soon. She does some but not 100% solo yet.  I really love watching her grow up and reach all these different milestones but I am also sadden as it means she’s growing up.  Kids are just not Kids long enough anymore.

And she has started saying bath today as well.

Mr. Spirit well he is back at work and it’s the same old same old.  The meds he is on for his neck and hands seems to be working but when we up the dose it’s hard for him to stay awake, but he’s not in pain and that’s a great thing.  He is also getting the help he needs for things he has seen and I think it’s great he opens up to me as much and he can but he really needs someone he can be 100% honest with.
As for me, my eye is healing nicely, and I got my packet for school today.  I worry about how we are going to pay for it and may just move to doing it in a year we are so close to being ahead and able to save a good deal of cash for raining days I don’t want to mess that up.  Mr. Spirit talked about me using his GI Bill but that just doesn’t seem right he could do so much more than I could he should use it for himself.

Other than that there really isn’t a whole lot going on.  Just the same stuff.

Though tonight I got to sit and explain blood types to Mr A and it was fun I just loved it and he did to it was such a great bonding time.  Him and I don’t spend enough of that time together and I am working on changing that his school hours make it hard but we will figure out away.  He has tomorrow off because of some farm or cattle show in the town of his school.  So maybe we will make that puppet theater that he wants so bad.  Or we will make some more puppets.  So many ideas.



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Happy New Year’s!

In a few short hours another year will have gone by and a new will begin.  And at this time many are making promises that they make every year of what they want to do in the next year.  Wither it be lose weight, workout more or even keep the house clean more.  And while many will not keep their promises in the next year some will.

For me I will not be will not be listing such promises or making them because well every year and every day I try to better myself and I will admit this year I haven’t made some great choices in how I handle myself, things I have said or done.  Now I could sit here and say will I had post pardon depression and then depression after I nearly killed my children in a roll over but fact is every day someone is dealing with those things and I am grateful that I have worked through them.

But then again I was very lucky in the fact I have a great husband who supported me and fish oil other wise I would have had to find a doctor and see help.  I am glad that there was a natural thing to take to help me out.  With all that said I am glad that there is a new year around the corner.  I look forward to all the many many many great things that will come.  From my children reaching mile stones to my husband healing, he has a neck injury from war that needs healing.

I also look forward in the next year to starting my schooling.  I have decided on natural medicine to study.  As to were this can lead for a career I am not really sure to be honest but I know that it will help me become a better mother and that I love.

So I didn’t get my blessing jar made yet I want to do that on the first day of the new year I think that’s more important it will be a great way to start the year of and it will be positive and I know my oldest will love it.  I did do my revitalizing my spirit in getting ready for the new year and I will do it again in the morning after I wake and just start not only the say and the year off with a good foot.

I am hoping that I can find time tomorrow to meditate and carve that time into everyday as well.  I really need to do that more often I am hoping to contact and speak with my spirit guide and I also hope to start looking into Astral Travel soon as well but I need to start with one thing at a time.

I have so much that I want to get done this year it’s crazy and yet I am not promising to do them as I know they will be done because it’s just the path we are all on.  Mr Spirit will be looking for a church soon I personally think he knows which one he will love but he wants to talk with the pastor some more.  He is afraid of them not accepting our marriage and me with my faith.  And he says he doesn’t need a church to talk and have a relationship with god.  Which I agree with him but I know it’s important to him.  He won’t tell me but I know he misses it.  I want him to have that again.  And if that means I get my butt up early and head off to church early on sunday morning and load the baby up and sit next to him well then that’s what I will do.

But he would do it for me in a heart beat as well, I love that we can support each other so well.

Ok on to something different and because I don’t want to make many posts and I know that many are not reading this anyways….

Mr Spirit found out more about his neck injury and well I know he will be fine I don’t know how but I know he will be.  I still worry, I worry if he needs surgery I worry because he is dealing with this and dealing with PTSD and that’s just a lot.  Mostly I worry because he doesn’t feel right sharing with me, he doesn’t want me to know the things he has seen and done in war and he is afraid I am not going to be able to handle it.  And while I know I can I respect that he doesn’t want to share it and I am just grateful he is talking to someone about it.

Also the doc he saw earlier this week gave him meds for is neck but they also fix the shaking in his hands.  My dear sweet husband’s hands have aways shook the whole time he’s been alive and this whole time no one has told him he didn’t have to live this way.  He had a fear of holding our newborns because of the shaking and because he was afraid of dropping them because of it.  But he has been given that all back and while we don’t have a new-born and I don’t know if we will have another child I do know that it will take time for him to get used to it.

So with that I live the past in the past and I look forward to a great and wonderful new year full of hopes and dreams.  Full of healing and just everything that is good.  I look forward to school and I look forward to my watch my children this coming year.

Happy New Year’s Everyone!



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It was a great day today!

Well I got some of the many things done that I wanted to get done.  I still need to meditate for the night.  It’s hard to find time to do that with three children.  Miss A is in a growth spurt and is nursing all the time and it would be great if she didn’t try to stand on her head while she did it.  Then my boys are just boys loud and always moving but good boys.  It will be late before I get to meditate for the night but I will get it done maybe I will post about it after I do it.

Today I learned how to make a black mirror for scrying  I might have to try this out.

Also Mr Spirit and I talked about a blessing for the kids so I am going to start writing one up.  It will be one the first things I put in my BoS.  I like that what I am going to place in it is going to have meaning and be written up by me.  The Blessing will be simple and a blend from both our faiths about guiding the children and helping them find their true path neither of us are going to force the children to follow our faiths.

I have been asked in the past how Mr Spirit and I can blend our faiths so well that many that don’t know what our faiths are wouldn’t know that we are a blended faith home.  Well for one we both believe in being good people and giving back and pretty much the golden rule to put it simply.  The holidays well right now it’s just the Mr and the kids and myself so it’s easy to blend them.  My holidays and specials are normally just for me and not a big to do Mr. Spirit will make sure to do something with the kids when I need time for something and I do the same for him when he needs it.

For Christmas I got him a bible everyone thinks this is weird but why wouldn’t I honor his faith it’s a part of him and he honors mine all the time as well.  I would go and sit in church with him every Sunday if he asked, but he doesn’t church isn’t my thing but I think I will start going as he starts looking for his Spiritual home.  It sucks with the military he just hasn’t found that church he feels right with and the one from before he deployed well seems different now.

Today I also started my research into Imbolc or Candlemas  and it’s again something that I haven’t really looked into and I am sure I will be doing something I already have the meal planed for the most part something simple that my children love.   Mr. R is such a picky eater.

Speaking of dinner

Tonight we have pancakes with eggs cooked inside of them it was good we cooked the eggs to over easy and everyone loved it Mr. R ate the most he has in a long time!



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One step down the path

It’s late and it has been a great day with the kids and Mr. Spirit.  And I was able to get in much-needed research.  I have read and read that I just need to step back and think about what I read before I know what is true for me on my path.

I have read about the wonders of child-birth and the stages of the female life.  And think this is defiantly something I will look in to some more.  I knew being a woman was special and powerful and now I am learning how.  I loved being pregnant and would love to have just one more child but if I don’t I will be happy with that.

I know that I will raise my daughter to rejoice with her changing body and not be shamed because she got her period.  I do think that her and I will be using cloth pads it just seems to be the right fit for me and I hope for her.

Tomorrow I hope to research about the spiritual growth in boys/men as well because I have two sons and I can’t leave them standing at the curb.

In an earlier post I talked about a blessing jar that I was going to do for New Years so I thought I would share it with you fine people (if there are any out there that is)

Make a blessing jar:

Into a vase, jar, or bottle (which symbolizes protection), put:

-a small bag of soil (for abundance)
-a coin (for prosperity)
-a fabric bag of salt (for purification)
-a crystal (for vision)
-an arrowhead (for guidance)
-a tiny fabric bag of herbs (for grounding)
-left over candle (for focus)
-a cross (for balance)
-a feather (for freedom)
-a clipping of hair from each family member (for unity)
-an old key (for opportunity)
-a small mirror (for truth)
-a piece of red paper (for memory)
-a small fabric bag of raw rice (for fertility)
-a ring (for love)
-a rune stone (for communication)
-a shell (for choices)
-a small fabric bag of loose tea (for awareness)
-a small folded fan (for healing)
-a rubber band (for flexibility)
-a letter that contains this list and what you hope to accomplish this year, sealed inside an envelope (for happiness)

You need not have everything on this list, select what is important to you.

Seal the jar with the lid, or cover the bottle/vase with a piece of fabric and a rubber band or string. Place your blessing jar either just inside or outside your front door until next New Year’s Eve.

Now I would and a prayer before I sent it out and make sure my intent was on what I was placing in the jar.

I think this is going to be a simple yet powerful thing for me to do.  It’s going to be one of the first magical things I do that isn’t about food. LOL Mr. Spirit doesn’t get it but he is supportive of it so that makes me happy.

I am also hoping to honor the goddess on the full moon that night and just jump in with both feet. I am not sure what I am going to do with the full moon and it’s a blue moon yet but maybe something as simple as a blessing and maybe starting my BoS.  And charging some crystals I don’t know.

The cleansing I was going to do was simple, sadly I live in a bible belt state and in a trailer park so I am careful what I do outside and this is something I can do outside without much problem.  And frankly I like it because it’s simple I think that’s how things should be is simple.

So here is the blessing I am going to do.

Pretty much I am going to go outside and fill a bowl with cool water from the hose and then say

Substance wasted, substance spoiled, now redeemed. Seeing thyself in substance undefiled, forming thyself a new from this frail substance gathered and revived

I am going to do this in the morning and then again in the evening.  I think this will renew my spirit for the new year nicely I might change the words a bit. But I like them I may need to add at least to them, if I do I will share with you guys.

I also plan on sharing what goes in my blessing jar as well.  Mr. Spirit thinks I should leave out the rice well we will see on that one. HeHe

This trip that I am on is almost like starting over because I let it lapse for so long and I hate that I really do.  I let life and depression get in the way and I hope to not let that happen again.  I hope that as I get my Spiritual self back together that it will lead to all the parts of me getting back together and on the right path.  I seem to be able to handle mom mode pretty good but even there I am not being all that I can be and I hate that.

So tomorrow I am making a deal to do one thing more than I normally to declutter (sp) one area of the house and find on object to use in ritual, and I am to do one more thing with each of my children for fun.  And for the spiritual part of me I need to meditate at least 20 minutes tomorrow and focus on that and clearing and centering myself.  This I promise myself and I hope to get done tomorrow.  I know I can do it.  Maybe I will even make a pie tomorrow!

Until tomorrow.


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Quick update 12.27.09

Well things are pretty much back to normal the kids love their toys and a low tech Christmas worked out great! Autumn loves her toys as well. We have some new ideas for what to do next year and we know we only have another year or so with Mr A and Santa and I hope to enjoy them.

Mr R was great though in how happy he was it was great listening to him go Santa came over and over. It was great.

Other than that it’s been nice, I need more sleep but Mr. Spirit is helping a ton. He has cooked and cleaned and wiped butts for me. Man I am lucky.

I have spent time researching all kinds of things. But I have my New Years plans made mostly.

We are going to order Pizza and have root beer floats and movies and games. These are the family plans my spiritual plans are I am going to make a blessing jar for the home for the up coming yearn and do a spiritual cleansing for the new year as well.

Now for the full moon which happens to be a blue moon I don’t know what I am going to yet maybe something simple that is in my everyday life.

My spiritual path is leading me in new places the last few days I have read and learned how wonderful it is to have a period and I should be proud and not ashamed of it. I plan to research this more and pass it on to my daughter. I have also found some blessings I want to do I will post about them once I do them and share how they went.

Also in the last few days i have been talking with other people about astral travel and orbs. I have learned I want to learn more about both and have learned that what I believe when it comes to orbs has brought me closer to a christian friend.

Well that’s about it for now I am sure I will be back later tonight while I don’t have children needing me.


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CDN rocks!!!!

No more freaking out. I know how I will handle my oldest and this lost book. I got some great tips on you should check it out those mama’s know everything from diapers, to parenting, to cooking, to crafts, and well just about everything else. It is not just a mama board there are some dads there too. And we talk about so much more than diapers and babies…though we love them. So to CDN mama’s Thank you!!!! You rock thanks for the help

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