Posts tagged paranormal

When a body dies on Earth a Soul will return home

So once your soul lives and learns what it needs to it will leave during one of its written exit points most times.  When you body dies most times you go right home but sometimes things don’t work out right so I will talk about all that could happen.  But first if it all goes right.

If all goes right and you learned what you set out to learn this trip to Earth then you soul will release itself from your body at the time of death and return home.  Once you will find yourself it a great big field, with a waterfall in the back ground and you will first be greeted by all the souls of your pets and animals that you grew to love in this life.

Next you will be greeted by all you loved ones.  The loved ones will all look different than what you remember them looking from earth.  You family will all look to be about 30 and how they think they should look.  But you will know them because you love them.  Once home you will return to your normal life on the other side, studying and working and enjoying your life.

Sometimes when you body dies your soul isn’t ready and you don’t go home right away you go to a holding place so that your soul can deal.  This place is in-between earth and the other side and it’s filled with god’s love.  It’s the area where you know you are safe and you adjusting to the change from earth to the other side or of how things work as you were not sure it was going to go this way or you thought you shouldn’t go to heaven that kind of stuff.

And sometimes when you body dies your soul leaves it but doesn’t return home because it doesn’t think that it should return home.  This is normally when someone becomes a ghost.  They stay where they are tied to or to who they are tied to until someone comes along and helps them or one of gods angels are sent to bring them home.

Yet it again it’s a simple run down but it works for me don’t be afraid to ask questions.


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Once a soul is on earth…

Once a soul is on earth it just like you and me it lives a life.  And it’s guided but the souls it comes in contact with and it’s life chart.  In the time that this soul is on the earth it will learn many things that are unable to be learned on the other side.

Some souls that one may come across are, dark souls (I believe I have already talked about this a little) and then there are kindered souls.  These are souls that you know on the other side or have had a past live with and when you meet them for the first time in this life you feel like you have known them your whole life but you know that you haven’t.

Many times a kindered soul is what some call their soul mate it’s someone that they just feel right with, but I believe that your true soul mate isn’t on the earth as the same time as you normally.  But once you and your soul mate come together it’s an act beyond words that I could type and you become one it’s  a very specail and powerful thing.

On earth a soul may run in to old souls, and even souls from another planet this souls are sadly not around long and often time come into our lives when we need them and help us in some way.  And then a soul may come in contact with Ghost which is the soul of someone who past and hasn’t moved on.  And then there are spirits like your spirit guide and sometimes they are just a loved one from this live coming back to check up on you.

When a soul dies well not day but when the body it is living in dies now that is beautiful and something to talk about tomorrow.

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It was a great day today!

Well I got some of the many things done that I wanted to get done.  I still need to meditate for the night.  It’s hard to find time to do that with three children.  Miss A is in a growth spurt and is nursing all the time and it would be great if she didn’t try to stand on her head while she did it.  Then my boys are just boys loud and always moving but good boys.  It will be late before I get to meditate for the night but I will get it done maybe I will post about it after I do it.

Today I learned how to make a black mirror for scrying  I might have to try this out.

Also Mr Spirit and I talked about a blessing for the kids so I am going to start writing one up.  It will be one the first things I put in my BoS.  I like that what I am going to place in it is going to have meaning and be written up by me.  The Blessing will be simple and a blend from both our faiths about guiding the children and helping them find their true path neither of us are going to force the children to follow our faiths.

I have been asked in the past how Mr Spirit and I can blend our faiths so well that many that don’t know what our faiths are wouldn’t know that we are a blended faith home.  Well for one we both believe in being good people and giving back and pretty much the golden rule to put it simply.  The holidays well right now it’s just the Mr and the kids and myself so it’s easy to blend them.  My holidays and specials are normally just for me and not a big to do Mr. Spirit will make sure to do something with the kids when I need time for something and I do the same for him when he needs it.

For Christmas I got him a bible everyone thinks this is weird but why wouldn’t I honor his faith it’s a part of him and he honors mine all the time as well.  I would go and sit in church with him every Sunday if he asked, but he doesn’t church isn’t my thing but I think I will start going as he starts looking for his Spiritual home.  It sucks with the military he just hasn’t found that church he feels right with and the one from before he deployed well seems different now.

Today I also started my research into Imbolc or Candlemas  and it’s again something that I haven’t really looked into and I am sure I will be doing something I already have the meal planed for the most part something simple that my children love.   Mr. R is such a picky eater.

Speaking of dinner

Tonight we have pancakes with eggs cooked inside of them it was good we cooked the eggs to over easy and everyone loved it Mr. R ate the most he has in a long time!



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Quick update 12.27.09

Well things are pretty much back to normal the kids love their toys and a low tech Christmas worked out great! Autumn loves her toys as well. We have some new ideas for what to do next year and we know we only have another year or so with Mr A and Santa and I hope to enjoy them.

Mr R was great though in how happy he was it was great listening to him go Santa came over and over. It was great.

Other than that it’s been nice, I need more sleep but Mr. Spirit is helping a ton. He has cooked and cleaned and wiped butts for me. Man I am lucky.

I have spent time researching all kinds of things. But I have my New Years plans made mostly.

We are going to order Pizza and have root beer floats and movies and games. These are the family plans my spiritual plans are I am going to make a blessing jar for the home for the up coming yearn and do a spiritual cleansing for the new year as well.

Now for the full moon which happens to be a blue moon I don’t know what I am going to yet maybe something simple that is in my everyday life.

My spiritual path is leading me in new places the last few days I have read and learned how wonderful it is to have a period and I should be proud and not ashamed of it. I plan to research this more and pass it on to my daughter. I have also found some blessings I want to do I will post about them once I do them and share how they went.

Also in the last few days i have been talking with other people about astral travel and orbs. I have learned I want to learn more about both and have learned that what I believe when it comes to orbs has brought me closer to a christian friend.

Well that’s about it for now I am sure I will be back later tonight while I don’t have children needing me.


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What a day today was.

First is started out with the whole house sleeping in. This was great. And then we put up the tree and the kids just loved it. To be honest it was a veg day here after the tree went up.

I watch Julie and Julia today I have to say I liked the parts with Julia Child’s more than they other parts and wish they would do a movie on her or had made them longer.

I was left wondering if Julia Child’s really didn’t like Julie though?

Mr. Spirit cooked dinner tonight that was such a nice treat I love when he does things like that. We had eggs and bacon. Kids just loved it. And then we went to look at all the holiday lights. I so love doing that I remember doing it as a child and it was important we did it. Well to me it was. Though sadly here they don’t do them like they do back home. But then it might be a sign of the times or the military town.


While we were driving Mr. Spirit told me of a friend and some ghost problems he was having it made me want to go to his friend’s house so bad to see for myself. So we are. Mr. Spirit is going to call him and are going to go one night and have a mini ghost hunt. I really look forward to it. I am also going to look for a few blessings for the house as well.

What he believes is happening is he believes their home is built on some land that belonged to Native Americans and he believes he found out about a murder there as well. But his big fear is that something followed him home from the middle east during the last deployment.

He has already been blessed himself by some women in the next town that have a shop. From what I know of these women he is in great hands. But he smudged the house and things are still the same he can’t even walk in his house while it’s dark at all. Also I guess that what ever this entity is that it’s pulling the blankets off of them while they sleep and affecting his wife the most.

I find this scary and something I want to look into as well.

Tonight we drove by the house where his friend lived and there is an area near that home that gives me a bad vibe I don’t know what it is but I know that it’s something which bad mojo. I hope we can help them.

And Mr. Spirit and I were talking again about him finding his spiritual home and I found out that he is worried about fitting in. I worry for him. I want him to be happy with his faith and he is but he is also not sure anymore and I am afraid that is my fault. When we got married he was on this on path and was so sure of it. He says that it’s not my fault and that it’s from life deployments and talking to be and a little from me. We both tend to rub off on each other though. I just hope he is happy. I have some research that I am going to do for him and I just hope that it helps.

It’s late I am signing off for the night.

Blessing to all,

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