Posts tagged spirituality

Mr. A’s reply…

So tonight I finally got a chance to talk to Mr/ A and get his feelings on the answers and really loved Ruby’s answer his reply was.  It just makes sense.  Sounds right to me and he was done with the topic.  But he wants me to tell everyone his so very happy you all took time to answer his question gave him links to look up and read.  He said he may have more questions in the future and hope you don’t mind helping him.

As his mother you know I am thankful and i will say it again Thank you.  You made his weekend and day today and he has thought long and hard.  and well you helped a mother out as well so thank you agian



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Quick Update

Thought I would just update real quick Mr A and I didn’t sit down and talk like we wanted we had dinner plans at a friends house plus we were running around getting ready to be with out water for three days.  With that said I am hoping to get to it tonight as his he has read all the answers (except the new ones have to wait till he gets home for those) and has been thinking about it.

I also plan on getting back to the life of a soul later today things have been just crazy here.

So last night after running around and getting clothes washed dishes done and diapers wash and tons of water stored, we went and had dinner over at a friends house.  We had a leg of lamb that I bought but wasn’t sure how to cook it and she loves lamb and knows how so it worked out great.  And we watched a movie as well.  It was a great time and lamb was great learned I love lamb and we will be doing it again.

We also made plans for next weekend as well which will be good Miss A and I need to get out more and Miss A needs to be around other people because right now she will only let mama and dada hold her this isn’t the greatest.  G (my friend) has been in her life since she was a baby and Miss A loved going to her.  And this is the only person I trust to watch her.

Miss A is also walking a whole lot more as well but see likes to do it when others are not watching her.  Sees a silly girl.  Mr R his is just growing up so fast seems like yesterday he was my little man that needed mama for everything and not it’s always I a big boy I can do it.  Don’t get me wrong I love it I do I just miss my snuggle time with him is all.

Mr A is 9 now and such a young man and smart he is always asking questions that his dad and I need to look up the answer to before we can answer them he sure is going to be fun as a teen.

Mr Spirit is doing better with his meds and has a meeting with docs. later next month to see what his options are for treatment to be honest I feel good about this I mean we know what is wrong we can fix it.  I will mean a new MOS which I am sure he can deal with.  Now he wants us to start thinking about where we would like to move next.  He choices are Arizona or the UK one is neat family and would be great for the kids the other is a dream.

I think he needs to dream right now because he is worried about his neck.  I understand this I just want to get through this get him healed, but there is so much he needs to be healed from.  He is hurting not only in his neck, but his mind and spiritually.  Today he has his appt for Therapy for his PTSD thing is many don’t think he has it so he gets a hard time.  But his he is great at hiding what is bothering him.  I love him but this bugs me about him at the same time.  But he is getting help and for that I am grateful it was a hard time for a little bit  but it’s getting better.

Well I just dinner on the stove to cook all day…mmm..beef roast.



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Once a soul is on earth…

Once a soul is on earth it just like you and me it lives a life.  And it’s guided but the souls it comes in contact with and it’s life chart.  In the time that this soul is on the earth it will learn many things that are unable to be learned on the other side.

Some souls that one may come across are, dark souls (I believe I have already talked about this a little) and then there are kindered souls.  These are souls that you know on the other side or have had a past live with and when you meet them for the first time in this life you feel like you have known them your whole life but you know that you haven’t.

Many times a kindered soul is what some call their soul mate it’s someone that they just feel right with, but I believe that your true soul mate isn’t on the earth as the same time as you normally.  But once you and your soul mate come together it’s an act beyond words that I could type and you become one it’s  a very specail and powerful thing.

On earth a soul may run in to old souls, and even souls from another planet this souls are sadly not around long and often time come into our lives when we need them and help us in some way.  And then a soul may come in contact with Ghost which is the soul of someone who past and hasn’t moved on.  And then there are spirits like your spirit guide and sometimes they are just a loved one from this live coming back to check up on you.

When a soul dies well not day but when the body it is living in dies now that is beautiful and something to talk about tomorrow.

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Who was the first person on earth….asked by my 9 year old

He would love to hear everyone’s beliefs on this.  He knows what his daddy and I believe but that’s it so please share who do you believe was the first person on earth.


Spirit and Mr A

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What happens after the soul is born….what I think anyways

I think that once a soul is born it is welcomed by the other souls on the other side. And it starts it’s quest for knowledge. Some souls will want to be born again on earth as soon as they can and others will stay and study on the other side more before they take that trip.

There is so much I am still working out on this and I know I don’t have all the answers I don’t know what all goes on the other side and wish I did but at the same time I am glad I don’t. I do know that if a soul wants to come to earth it makes a chart, or a map of things it wants to do in this life on earth and even add bumps and forks in the road and many times chooses it’s parents and the time they shall be born on earth.

The Life Chart

The life chart is a chart in which we all make before we are born, now it’s not like a road map but more an outline of things you want to feel and learn while on this earth in this life. And yes some of the bad that happens to you is because you wanted to happen.

First thing you do when you make your Life Chart is pick out your at least your mother and sometimes both parents sometimes dark souls enter a person’s life and changes their chart up a bit but while this may make it harder for you to reach your goal it might also help you reach one that you didn’t know you needed to reach. And well the soul can always and will most likely come back to try again.

After you pick out your mother/parents you pick the things that you want to learn and feel. Things as little as what it would be like to be so and so’s daughter or son…and you get to pick what sex you want to be. Cool huh?
Also with in your life chart you will add in five points in which you leave this world and return to the other side. These are called exit points sometimes you leave on the first and sometimes you get and walk away from an accident that you shouldn’t have walked from. You don’t live normally until you finish the goals you have set out to do and if you don’t sometimes the mother and father will ask that you try again. You life chart is like a contract with the mother and father of I will seek to learn this.
You will also put bumps and more than likely forks in the road on your path because after all you still need to have felt will while here on earth and sometimes your life is nothing like your chart and you will get a chance to do it again.

I can’t sit here and say everything that will be in your chart because every chart is different per the soul that made them. I can say that your spirit guide will often help you while you are here on earth to get back on the right path. And sometimes while you sleep you soul/spirit will travel back home and read your chart and right itself.

Life on earth…we will touch that tomorrow


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How a soul is born…well how I think it happens

Well ok, maybe I don’t know but this just feels so right to me I thought I would share. I do know that to have a new soul made the mother and father must come together on it. Does that mean that they have sex, in a way yes.

When a new soul is born it’s because the mother and father have come together as one in the most perfect union, this union is how we have all come to be. This union is of love. Now it’s not like sex is here on earth but the same idea or at least that’s how I see it.
We are all born with a piece of the mother and father within us. But at the time we are born so is our soul mate. Our soul mate is our prefect half the other that completes us. When we join with our soul mate there is an energy that is expanded and we are given the chance to become one with the mother and father again. This is the goal for many souls.

Now many would probably why I think this is true and how things are done. And truth be told it just is, I think it’s because I liken the mother and father to true parents and how they have children.

Sorry it’s so short, mommy duties call


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The life of a Soul a brief run down

I believe souls have lives.  We are made from the love of the mother and father.  And I believe our souls live the rest of our lives trying to become one with the mother and father when they choose.

Every soul lives on the other side that is home and it’s a wonderful place to be.  It’s so wonderful though that we need to come to earth where life isn’t prefect and were we can feel emotions that we don’t feel on the other side.

Every soul must live at least one life here on earth and many souls do only this.

But before we make the journey to earth we plan what it is we want to learn.  We pick our parents and many of the people we come in contact with.  We also plan exit points these are points in which we plan to die here on earth and return home to the other side.  I call this journey our life chart which I will talk about more, later.

Once we are born on the other side we have a family and home and know nothing but love and we seek to continue to grow our soul and become one with the mother and father once again.  On the other side we also have jobs and that help people that are here on earth.

Yep that’s right I believe Heaven the other side has work but we love it!

Ok so once you are born here on earth is when your journey starts.  This is where you are hit with some of the best times you will ever know and some of the worst even though many things are planed ahead of time there are things that still happen because of free will and such.  You will run into people that you don’t know here on earth but you might know their spirit or soul back on the other side.

While here we sometimes just want to come and see what it’s like to have one soul from the other side as our mother so we plan it that way and sometimes we want to learn how to get away from someone that is controlling and so we plan on meeting someone that is controlling and then trying to get away from them. Thus growing our souls and becoming closer to the mother and father.

Sometimes we learn what we wanted to in one live time here on earth and sometimes we don’t and when that happens we come back until we learn it.  While here we do have guides that will help us along sometimes we know them while we are here on the earth.  Sometimes they are that voice that tells us what we need to hear to get us back on the right path.

After life here when we die we go home and are welcomed with open arms.  I will go into more detail with the different steps tomorrow in a different post.  If you have any questions please ask them!



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Blended faith home….how does it work?

I have been asked this many times and honestly it’s hard to answer because it just does.  But a few important things I think I should share that work for us Mr. Spirit a Christian and myself and Pagan.

1) Respect is a must
2) Understanding that you are not always going to agree one what is right
3) Support each other in their chosen paths

So let me start with respect.

Things would never work if I didn’t respect that Mr. Spirit believe differently than I.  And they wouldn’t work if he didn’t respect my beliefs.  Mr. Spirit over the years has had many people ask and or tell him to make me change what I believe.  He understand where they are coming from but at the same time he doesn’t get it.  Why would he want to force me to believe something that I myself couldn’t no longer force myself to believe in.

He knew that it wouldn’t be true faith, it would be going through the motions and he didn’t want that for me he respected me and that path that I am on that it’s right for me.  Do I think he wishes that I would convert? Honestly I don’t know I know that we rub off on one another and of faiths change with every passing day.

As for me I could never ask or try and force Mr. Spirit to believe as me.  I truly believe god speaks to us all in the way that is right for us to hear him and I truly believe Mr. Spirit is on the right path.  I do know that my faith makes it hard for him to follow a dream of his to be either an asst. chaplain/pastor or a Chaplain/Pastor.  Many churches at least that he has been to so far don’t like the blended faith home we have they will take him as a member but that’s about it.  I hate this and I am willing to be the good pastors wife and sit in church every Sunday and listen to him and do what is needed of me.  I am willing not to be out of the closet for this for him as it is I am mainly out online and that’s it.  But he refuses to ask that of me.

And with that you see how we respect each other and we try to support each other on our chosen paths.  When I say I am willing to be quite and hid my faith so he can meet his goals he doesn’t like that.

Now on to understanding.

Mr. Spirit and I have had many of debates on what we believe some he will look at me and say that he just doesn’t agree.  And you know what I am fine with that just like he will be answering questions for our oldest and who Jesus was and when I am asked I say I believe he was a man that lived but the son of god nope.  But I also try and be very respectful of the fact he believe that he is when I say it and I say mommy believes but many believe like daddy.  And Mr Spirit is normally quick to say that our oldest needs find his own path and see what he believes. (but that’s another post in it’s own my oldest and his journey)

Agree to disagree goes along way with this it also helps when we have fights every now and then to remember we don’t always have to agree and things will be ok.

Now on to supporting one another.

This we find easy I don’t know how to explain this we are partners in parenting and life and even our spiritual lives even though we don’t agree on paths.  We just support one another when they need it.  I support Mr. Spirit in finding a church and helping find where they are and websites for him to look up on and numbers to call.  Why because he works crazy hours.  I support him in making sure he has what he needs for his spiritual growth and that the days that are special to him are celebrated and as special as the days that are important to me.
It’s important to him to pray before meals so we do it.  And so many other things.  He supports me in making sure that I know that while with in my home I am safe and don’t have to had and if I need time to do a ritual it’s fine he will keep the kids busy.  If I need him to help me he does.  He is planning on praying with me over the Blessing Jar tomorrow because he knows it’s important to me.

I don’t see issues with blending faith it just takes communication (opps forgot that one in the list), respect, understanding and support just like everything else in a marriage.  So in the end I would like to say it’s easy there is no trick to having a blended faith home many people do it and I am not special because we do it.  It works for us is it for everyone no but that is how marriage and life is.

Any questions?


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