Once a soul is on earth…

Once a soul is on earth it just like you and me it lives a life.  And it’s guided but the souls it comes in contact with and it’s life chart.  In the time that this soul is on the earth it will learn many things that are unable to be learned on the other side.

Some souls that one may come across are, dark souls (I believe I have already talked about this a little) and then there are kindered souls.  These are souls that you know on the other side or have had a past live with and when you meet them for the first time in this life you feel like you have known them your whole life but you know that you haven’t.

Many times a kindered soul is what some call their soul mate it’s someone that they just feel right with, but I believe that your true soul mate isn’t on the earth as the same time as you normally.  But once you and your soul mate come together it’s an act beyond words that I could type and you become one it’s  a very specail and powerful thing.

On earth a soul may run in to old souls, and even souls from another planet this souls are sadly not around long and often time come into our lives when we need them and help us in some way.  And then a soul may come in contact with Ghost which is the soul of someone who past and hasn’t moved on.  And then there are spirits like your spirit guide and sometimes they are just a loved one from this live coming back to check up on you.

When a soul dies well not day but when the body it is living in dies now that is beautiful and something to talk about tomorrow.

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