Who was the first person on earth….asked by my 9 year old

He would love to hear everyone’s beliefs on this.Β  He knows what his daddy and I believe but that’s it so please share who do you believe was the first person on earth.


Spirit and Mr A

32 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Holly said,

    Adam. πŸ™‚

  2. 2

    Cassie said,


  3. 3

    DSDM2 said,

    Adam and then God made Eve.

  4. 4

    Sarah said,

    Adam :0

  5. 5

    Miranda said,

    My belief is that the first person on Earth was Adam, followed by Eve and then Cain and Abel.

  6. 6

    Melanie said,

    ADAM! πŸ™‚

  7. 8

    jessica said,


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    Amanda said,

    I believe Adam was the first person on Earth. Followed by Eve. What a smart cookie you are for asking such a question! Have a great day. PS.. your mom sure does love you.

  9. 10

    Casey said,

    Adam. πŸ™‚

    What a good question! I’m interested in seeing all of the answers.

  10. 11

    riffrafflittleman said,

    I believe the first person on Earth was Adam, followed by Eve and then Cain and Abel.

  11. 12

    Rachel said,

    I believe the first person created was Adam.

  12. 13

    Flowerchild said,

    Honestly, I don’t know.

  13. 15

    Jessi said,

    Not sure, although I never really wondered about it. Ashley posted some AWESOME links though and now I am going to spend 30 minutes reading them LOL.

  14. 16

    Becky said,

    Not sure. I don’t think there was just one first person though. Even if you look at it biblically, Adam then Eve, then Cain and Abel, where did Cain’s wife come from?

  15. 17

    Deanna said,

    Honestly, I’m not sure. I was taught “Adam” as a child, but now I really don’t know. I kind of think we evolved as a species rather than one man/woman placed here who then populated the planet, kwim?

    Now…I have to check out those links.

  16. 18

    Mama said,

    A neanderthal that evolved from and ape.

  17. 19

    Ashley2 said,

    I always believed it was Adam but I am at a crossroads in my faith and I’m not sure about much anymore.

  18. 20

    Harla said,

    I believe in god/devine inspired evolution. I believe that the first person was a woman……not adam.

  19. 21

    Not Me At All said,

    Well we really have no way of knowing, human beings were around before written history. Christians believe that God created Adam and Eve as the first humans, some believe this happened about 6000 years ago. I believe the earth and humans are much older than this. There is evidence that humans have been on the earth much longer than 6000 years.

    Omo I and Omo II may be the oldest

  20. 22

    Rebecca said,

    I was taught also that it was Adam. But as I got older I researched for my own answers and still have no definite answer. I believe humans have been around much longer than Adam and Eve.
    Not Me At All and Ashley posted some interesting links and I’m going to check them out in full.
    I think it’s great you are asking other people about what they think. You’re a smart cookie πŸ™‚

  21. 23

    cdnation said,

    I’m going with Adam too.

  22. 24

    Incognizable said,

    coming from another 9 year old “probably cavemen because they existed in the B.C. before Christ.”

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    Nancy said,


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    Christine said,

    I’m going with Adam. πŸ™‚

  25. 27

    Miriam Bracha said,

    Adam was the first man and Chava was the first woman.

  26. 28

    Elaina said,

    I’m going to say some Neanderthal but I think that we evolved as a group too, not as a lone person.

  27. 30

    Ruby said,

    I just asked my 8 year old…he says….space monkeys! haha He was just joking though. We believe in both evolution and God. So….There were primitive humans, and then God made Adam to give us a hand in evolution. Since the beginning I guess we have always needed His help!
    Very awesome question from a young man!!

  28. 31

    Munklettes said,

    Great answer Ruby!

    I have no idea who the first person on earth was. I imagine they don’t look much at all like people look today πŸ™‚

  29. 32

    mmspirit7 said,

    Thanks everyone for all the great answers! I personally believe in evolution with the mother and fathers hand but I believe the mother was hear first but she’s a goddess so I don’t know if that counts as a person LOL my son told me he is thinking on this.

    But I believe we evolved the way the mother and father want us to. But in my heart I believe the first person was a woman why i don’t know.

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